Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124



Flip the script on OCD treatment as you know it

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Source: Stock Photo/Stock Snap Let’s turn OCD Treat your head and try something new. Surrender to your sensibilities instead of being insensitive Exposure-response prevention, the most common treatment for OCD, teaches you to desensitize yourself to the fear of everything…

Finding joy in sadness while on vacation

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Source: Element5 Digital/Unsplash Holidays are often bittersweet. thanksjoy, and connection, but also a time to remember those who have passed away and lost traditions. Many people experience the bittersweetness of winter holidays, but for some it’s more bitter than sweet.…

Seasonal Affective Disorder Support

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Seasonal affective disorder can cause significant disability. Source: Yuris Almaidi/Unsplash Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of condition that includes: depression This occurs at certain times of the year, but most commonly in the fall and winter when daylight…

Women, advocate for yourself in 2025

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Source: Taha Mazandarani/Unsplash As we reflect on this year and look forward to 2025, some key takeaways about the challenges facing women shared on this blog over the past 12 months, and some questions to help you plan to act…

Does skin care affect your brain and mood?

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Source: Freepik / Freepik Cosmetic science is reshaping the way we view skin care, not just as a way to improve our appearance, but as a means to support our mental well-being (Seo, 2024). New research shows that skin, brain,…

How to overcome political divisions in your family

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The 2024 US election is over, but many people are still carrying the weight of months of politics on their shoulders. stressregardless of the candidate they support. Almost 70% of American adults report feeling this strain (American Psychological Association, 2024).…