Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124



you can’t control your child


A long time ago, I learned from observing the interactions between parents and children, and between teachers and children, that you should not make children do anything. We have no power to control them. Our power is how we support…

Feel deeply and act wisely | Psychology Today

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every emotion It involves an “impulse to act.” The behavioral impulse appears with the emotion, but it is separate from the emotion itself. Have you ever felt depressed and done something you regret when your emotions were high? Source: David…

Partition of 1947 and intergenerational trauma

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Intergenerational exchange trauma It has become a buzzword in the last few years. This issue was first investigated in 1966 by Canadian psychiatrist Dr. Rakoff and his colleagues. They found higher levels of distress among descendants of Holocaust survivors. This…

Assessment of suicide in medical practitioners

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Source: Kaboompics/Pexels Supporting clients who are at risk of suicide is one of the most important things we do. stressful Difficult aspects of clinical practice. The responsibility to ensure client safety, while recognizing that client behavior is ultimately beyond control,…

The complex relationship between dissociation and narcissism

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Narcissism and dissociation are different but deeply interconnected psychological phenomena. Both can emerge as adaptive responses to relationships trauma or early developmental experiences. This interaction sheds light on both challenges narcissist Individuals are faced with maintaining a sense of self…

When cats play, they mirror each other’s faces

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Source: Mermek Avitia/Pexels Animal play is fun, fair, chaotic, and serious business. The different ways in which non-human animals (animals) play with each other has been studied by many researchers, citizen scientists, and people who simply want to know what…